2023 - an eventful year with a focus on business - Axelent Wiretray

2023 – an eventful year with a focus on business

Jonatan Liljedahl

2023 has been an eventful year for Axelent Wire Tray, and I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together. As we approach the end of the year, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the milestones we have reached during the year.

This year marks our first full operational year since we started as our own company, and the trust of our customers has been a source of inspiration for us. Throughout the year, we have welcomed several new customers to our community and look forward to continuing to create value for you in the future.

Through a strong effort from our team, we successfully completed our UL certification during the year. It is a significant achievement that underscores our commitment to the highest standards of quality and safety. It is proof of our dedication and commitment to offering the best products and services.

We have also had the pleasure of launching a new product series during the year, focusing on aesthetics and demanding environments. The response confirms that our innovation aligns with the needs and expectations of our customers. It is our pleasure to continue providing solutions that make a difference for our customers.

Axelent Wire Tray has participated in several trade shows during the year, providing a fantastic opportunity to meet customers in person, share our latest advancements, and learn more about their unique needs and preferences. It is through these interactions that we strengthen our relationships and build a stronger community.

Important steps have also been taken in our future strategy, with decisions regarding investments in markets, production, and logistics. These investments are part of our commitment to continually improve and face future challenges with confidence.

For the employees at Axelent Wire Tray, it is soon time for a well-deserved holiday break, and I want to take this opportunity to wish our employees, customers, and partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Warm regards,

Jonatan Liljedahl