Off Shore - Axelent Wiretray

Off Shore We provide project support with specialist knowledge of off shore

A small number of standard products that can be used in a variety of ways simplifies the installation. Extensive logistics are used to deliver material to a platform. Should a product be missing when working on a platform or ship this can often be remedied with the products you have with you.

X-Tray is a ‘field pack’ and the job will nearly always get done. The support distance of up to 3 m makes it easy to use existing constructions on platforms and ships to mount the trays. Strengthened wire trays for support distance of up to 6 m are available.

The trays are simple to cut and shape using bolt cutters. No ‘hot work’ is required. This is a great advantage on platforms and ships where there is a great risk of fire. There is equipment to fasten instrumentation lines to the wire trays.

  • Provides project support with specialist knowledge of off shore
  • Tailored products and solutions for platforms, ships and ports
  • Long bracket spacing, up to 3 m, gives fewer brackets to fit and a cost-effective installation
  • Hot dip galvanized and stainless material 304L and 316L is always in stock
  • Tailored products for fitting hoses and pipes
  • Approved by DNV-GL for use within global off shore