Fire-approved Cable Trays
During a fire, it is important that certain things continue to work. This could be the activation of alarm systems, emergency lighting, sprinkler systems, smoke detectors or other things that can save lives in a fire. The list goes on and on. It is always an advantage if the wire mesh can withstand the fire for as long as possible.
To test this, the German standard DIN 4102-12 is used to test complete systems of wire ropes, accessories and cables. The wire ropes and cables are placed in an oven and heated for 90 minutes until the temperature reaches 1 000 °C.
Approval requires that the cables are still usable. Approval is granted in three classes E30, E60 and E90, which indicate after how many minutes the wire trays and cables are still functional.

DIN 4102-12
X-Tray has been approved in class E90. We performed the test at IBMB (Institut für Baustoffe, Massivbau and Brandschutz) in Braunschweig, Germany. IBMB is a well-known and independent test institute that issued the authorisation according to the DIN 4102-12 standard. The wire trays, brackets and cables are approved together. We have tested wire trays from several produced batches and with different cables.

AS/NZS 3013
AS/NZS 3013 is a classification system for cable systems according to their resistance to fire and mechanical damage used in Australia and New Zealand. Type tests to verify the level of protection of a connection system are specified. Intended for reference in other standards that specify wiring systems with a certain degree of resistance to damage from fire or mechanical impact.