The Axelent Group works for a sustainable and enduring future - Axelent Wiretray

The Axelent Group works for a sustainable and enduring future

Recycling and reuse are key concepts for meeting sustainability challenges. For Axelent, it has long been a fundamental part of the entire business operation. “By extending the life of our customers’ products, we contribute to continued economic development while we jointly reduce the burden on the earth’s resources,” says Sandra-Stina Vesterlund, member of the board of Axelent AB.

Sandra-Stina Vesterlund

Sandra-Stina Vesterlund has a long and solid industry experience in sustainable business development and global growth. She assumed her role as a board member of Axelent in 2022.

Swedish industry is a key player in the transition to a more sustainable society. Among other things, the RISE Research Institute, together with representatives from industry, academia, institutes and the social partners, has developed a futureplan for sustainable production. It points out that achieving lasting sustainability requires viable companies that can afford to invest in the development of more sustainable production. And where circularity, reuse and digitalization are crucial for efficient resource utilization. Something that Sandra-Stina Vesterlund emphasizes:

– Digitalization is about efficient business systems that, for example, enable traceability, which is a prerequisite for sustainable value chains. We also see that people are moving from just talking about recycling materials to talking about reuse, which means extending the life of a product instead of replacing it. Our solutions help extend the life of our customers’ machines and production facilities. Moreover, our modular system allows us to replace parts at the component level instead of the whole product if something breaks. Safety has thus also become an important factor for sustainable production.

Sandra-Stina Vesterlund concludes by emphasizing that responsible and sustainable business is basically about having a genuine interest and commitment as a company.